FAQ Swahili & English


1. Shule ya Kimataifa ya St. Constantine ipo maeneo gani?

Shule ya St. Constantine ipo barabara ya Dodoma (Eneo la Burka), Arusha, Tanzania, kati ya Kituo cha Urithi wa Asili (Cultural Heritage Centre) na uwanja wa ndege wa Arusha – kwenye malango ya Hifadhi ya Taifa ya Arusha, chini ya Mlima Meru, na ndani ya umbali mdogo kutoka Mlima Kilimanjaro. Uwepo wetu, karibu na uwanja wa ndege wa Arusha na umbali wa chini ya saa moja kutoka uwanja wa kimataifa wa Kilimanjaro, unafanya usafiri kwenda na kutoka makazi ya bweni kuwa rahisi. Kampasi ya mjini ipo katikati ya Arusha kati ya benki ya Barclays na Spanish Tiles kwenye barabara ya Serengeti.

2. Ni yapi malengo makuu ya shule yenu na mnaweza kuyaelezea vipi?

Ni sehemu yenye furaha, ya kipekee, mafanikio makubwa,  enye uzoefu wa elimu ya Uingereza iliyo na ladha ya Kitanzania, mahali ambapo tunatengeneza viongozi wa baadae.  Muhimu kabisa, shule yetu yenye furaha imejengwa juu ya fikra kwamba wanafunzi hujenga dhana imara binafsi kwa kupewa changamoto stahiki kila siku kupitia kujifunza na ufundishaji wa kiwango cha juu.
Tazama sehemu ifuatayo kwa taarifa za undani zaidi: Kuhusu Sisi, Maono Yetu, Kauli ya Malengo na Mwelekeo wa Mipango.

3. Umri upi watoto wanaweza kuanza katika Shule ya Kimataifa ya St. Constantine?

Kampasi yetu kuu iliyopo Barabara ya Dodoma inahudumia watoto wa umri wote wa kishule kuanzia shule ya awali (Miaka 3-4)Our Main Campus on Dodoma Road caters for children of all school ages starting in Nursery (age 3 – 4)

Kampasi yetu ya mjini ina madarasa manne yanayoanzia shule ya awali (Miaka 3-4) hadi darasa la 2 (Miaka 6-7). Familia zinazoishi karibu na mjini sasa wanaweza kupata faida ya elimu nzuri hapo St. Constantine bila kuwafanya watoto wao wadogo kusafiri kuzunguka mjini..

4. Je, Shule ya Kimataifa ya St. Constantine inaelimisha hadi Sekondari?

Kampasi yetu kuu inahudumia watoto wote wa umri wa shule kuanzia shule ya awali moja kwa moja hadi Darasa la 13 (miaka 18).

5. Ni elimu ipi watoto wanapata – Kimataifa au Kitanzania?

St. Constantine ni shule ya Kimataifa ya elimu mchanganyiko, mfumo wa Kiingereza. Wanafunzi wanafundishwa katika madarasa madogo yanayomilikika, ambayo huwezesha wanafunzi kutambulika katika upekee wao kama wanafunzi na wanahimizwa kutafiti dunia inayowazunguka. Wanafunzi wetu wakubwa hupewa mlolongo wa masomo wafanye uchaguzi unaowapelekea kupata ufaulu wa IGCSE na Ngazi ya Juu (A Level) unaotambulika kimataifa.

6. Muundo wa madarasa ukoje?

Kila mwanafunzi yumo ndani ya moja ya nyumba nne: Athens, Delphi, Olympia au Sparta, zinazotengeneza madarasa binafsi madogo zaidi ya yale ya shule nyingi za Uingereza. Madarasa hutambulika kwa nyumba zao, kwa mfano, S3 inakuwa Sparta Mwaka wa 3. Katika shule ya sekondari, mmoja wa timu ya walimu – Msaidizi wa Mwalimu Mkuu – ni msimamizi, akisaidiwa na timu ya wakufunzi/walimu wa madarasa ambao wako chini yake.

Wanafunzi katika mwaka wa 7 – 9 hufuata taratibu za kiidara, zilizojengwa kwenye mfumo maarufu wa kimataifa wa mtaala wa Cambridge.

Kuanzia mwaka wa 10 hadi wa 13 masomo yamejengwa kwenye mfumo wa IGCSE na Mtaala wa kimataifa wa ngazi ya juu wa Cambridge kuhakikisha kuwa kuna muendelezo na muunganiko kutoka Shule ya Msingi hadi Shule ya Sekondari

Lengo kuu la Mtaala hapa St. Constantine ni kuinua viwango, huku tukihakikisha wanafunzi wote wana elimu yenye uwiano na mapana hadi miaka 16 kisha umahususi mkubwa zaidi kwa ngazi za juu, wakijiandaa kwa mafunzo ya ngazi ya chuo kikuu.

Kuongezea mtaala halisi wa kitaaluma, PSHE hufundishwa shuleni kote kwa njia zinazozingatia umri husika na mada. Ratiba pana ya shughuli za baada ya masomo huongezea kwenye maisha ya kitaaluma. Wanafunzi hupewa nafasi ya kushiriki katika michezo, muziki, Sanaa, na maigizo ili kupanua zaidi uwezo wao wa kiakili, kimwili na vipaji vya ubunifu, pamoja na MUN(Mfano wa Baraza la Umoja wa Mataifa), Kombe la Dunia la Mijadala ya Wanafunzi, Klabu ya roboti na mengine mengi.

7. Mtoto wangu anasaidiwaje kwenye masomo yake?

Timu ya washauri hulenga kumsaidia kila mwanafunzi siyo tu kufikia uwezo wa kitaaluma na shughuli za ziada, bali pia kumjenga kuwa mtu mwenye furaha na hali ya kujithamini na imani halisi kwa nafasi yake katika jamii.

Wakufunzi hufuatilia kila maendeleo binafsi katika mfumo muendelezo kwa mwaka mzima, jambo ambalo ni muhimu zaidi kwa madarasa ya mitihani, Mwaka wa 10 – 13. Wanafunzi hubakia na walimu wao wa madarasa kwa kadri wanavyoendelea shuleni. Yeyote mwenye tatizo la aina yoyote anaweza kulijadili kwanza na mwalimu wake wa darasa kama ngazi ya mwanzo, akisaidiwa na Mwalimu Mkuu Msaidizi na kisha Mkuu wa Shule.

Ustawi wa wanafunzi wote, awe wa kutwa au wa bweni, ni wa umuhimu mkubwa kwetu. Kwa wanafunzi wetu wa bweni, timu yetu ya waangalizi wa bweni na matroni na Wasaidizi wa Makazi ya Bwenini humaanisha wanawahakikishia uangalizi mzuri wakati wote na muda wote wana mtu wa kuongea nao endapo wanahitaji kufanya hivyo. Mshauri wa shule na Muuguzi wa shule pia wapo kwa ajili ya wanafunzi wote kuongea nao na kuna mawasiliano na mshauri mtaalamu endapo atahitajika.

St. Constantine ina walimu wa elimu maalumu waliofuzu vizuri na wenye utaalamu ikiwa ni pamoja na waratibu wakuu wawili wa elimu ya mahitaji maalumu na timu ya wasaidizi.
Tazama Mahitaji Maalumu ya Kielimu na EAL (Kiingereza kama Lugha ya Ziada)

8. Mkuu wa Shule ni nani na anatokea wapi?

Mkuu wa Shule, Yasir Patel, alizaliwa Blackburn, Uingereza. Alisoma Hisabati huko Manchester na alipata Shahada ya Uzamili katika uongozi wa Elimu huko Leicester. Amefanya kazi Uingereza, Uhispania, Mexiko DF, Mumbai, Caracas, na Auckland. Anapenda Michezo, Siasa na Muziki

Msaidizi mkuu ni Michael Murray kutoka Newcastle, huko Uingereza, ambaye alifundisha Shule ya Kimataifa ya Savanna Plains, iliyopo Shinyanga, Tanzania kabla ya kujiunga na St. Constantine. Pia alifundisha huko Uingereza, Ureno na Kenya.

Mkuu wa Sekondari ni raia wa Uingereza Bi Navdeep Mand.

Mkuu wa Msingi ni Jamel Badaoui Jamel , Jamel ni kiongozi wa elimu ya msingi kutokea Durham, Uiengereza, mwenye ujuzi wa kimataifa wa zaidi ya miaka 13. Jamel amefundisha na kushika nyadhifa za kati na juu za uongozi nchi mbalimbali pamoja na Uingereza, Singapore, Malaysia na Tanzania.

9. Ni nani mwanzilishi wa shule hii?

Shule ya Kimataifa ya St. Constantine ilianzishwa mwaka 1952 na jamii ya wahamiaji wa Kigiriki ambao mwanzoni walikaa Afrika Mashariki katika miaka ya 1920 na 1930. Katikati ya miaka ya 1960, St. Constantine’s International ilikuwa imekuwa shule ya mtaala wa Kiingereza na mwaka 1998, ulichukua mtaala wa Kimataifa wa Cambridge. Shule inamilikiwa na waanzilishi wa Hellenic Tanzania (Hellenic Foundation of Tanzania) na ni shule ya pili ya Kimaifa kwa umri mkubwa Tanzania na shule kubwa ya Kimataifa kaskazini mwa Tanzania..

10. Ni huduma gani zinazopatikana?

Kampasi yetu kuu inajumuisha: Madarasa 56 ya kusomea pamoja na maabara 5 za sayansi, jengo jumuishi la mazoezi, Ukumbi, bwalo la chakula lenye uwezo wa kuchukua wanafunzi 600, chumba cha mapumziko kwa wanafunzi wa bweni chenye televisheni ya kisasa ya plasma, meza za pool, na maabara mbili za kompyuta. Vilevile tuna vifaa vizuri sana vya kuwasaidia wanafunzi wanapokuwa mbali na madarasa na tunajivunia kuwa na moja ya viwanja bora vya michezo vinavyohudumiwa kwa hali ya juu, hii ni pamoja na viwanja vya mpira wa miguu, kriketi na ragbi, mpira wa vikapu, mpira wa wavu, mpira wa pete na kiwanja cha tenisi, bwawa la kuogelea la ukubwa mita 25 na bwawa la kujifunzia lenye ukubwa wa mita 10. 

11. Je, St. Constantine ni shule ya kidini?

St. Constantine hupokea wanafunzi bila kujali rangi, jinsia, kabila, taifa, dini, familia anakotoka au uwezo wa mtoto wa kiuchumi. Tukijivunia mchanganyiko wa wanafunzi, hukaribisha wanafunzi kutoka katika kila pembe ya dunia. Ingawa shule imewahi kuwa na uhusiano wa kihistoria na kanisa la Orthodox la Ugiriki, haina mrengo wowote wa kidini. Madarasa ya mwanzo ya shule yalikuwa karibu na kanisa pekee la Orthodox hapa mjini. Ingawa shule yetu haina mrengo wa kidini wala madhehebu ya dini, kanisa lenyewe bado lipo kama sehemu ya kampasi yetu ya ukubwa wa ekari 35, likiwa na ibada siku za Jumapili kwa kwa jumuia ya wenyeji. 

12. Ninamuandikishaje mtoto wangu?

a. Pakua Fomu yetu ya Maombi  HAPA

b. Pakua Masharti yetu ya Kujiunga HAPA

c. Pakua kalenda ya shule ya 2023-2024

Udahili kuingia St. Constantine unahusisha hatua tatu, zilizowekwa kuhakikisha kuwa muombaji ana sifa zinazoendana na matakwa ya shule na ana nafasi nzuri ya kufanya vizuri kitaaluma, ukizingatia vigezo vya juu vya kiakili na matarajio ya kitaaluma ya shule ya kimataifa.

Hatua ya 1 – ukamilishaji na utumaji wa fomu yetu ya maombi, kumbukumbu zako kitaaluma, taarifa ya shule ya siku za usoni (pamoja na kumbukumbu za alama zilizosanifiwa za mitihani endapo zipo), nakala ya cheti cha mtoto cha kuzaliwa, nakala ya pasi ya kusafiria ya mtoto (kama inatakiwa), picha ndogo za siku za karibuni.

Hatua 2 – Tathmini

Upimaji hutegemea na umri na waweza kuhusisha upimaji wa kuandika, Upimaji kwa njia ya kompyuta au usaili wa ana kwa ana na walimu. Tozo ya udahili ya dola 25 inatakiwa kabla ya au siku ya tathmini.

Hatua 3 – Usaili wa mwisho na Mkuu wa Sekondari/ Mkuu wa Msingi/ Mkuu wa Kampasi ya Mjini.

Kufuatia ukamilishaji wa mambo ya hapo juu, mwanafunzi anaweza:

  • Kudahiliwa 
  • Kupokelewa kwa masharti 
  • Kuwekwa kwenye orodha ya kusubiri                   
  • Kutokudahiliwa

Tanzama UDAHILI kwa taarifa za ndani zaidi.

13. Je, St. Constantine ina sare za shule?

Ndiyo. Wanafunzi wa Msingi na Sekondari wana sare tofauti kuwatofautisha kati ya ngazi na huvaa sare zilizotulia zinazoendana na umri wao katika kundi. Ngazi zote mbili wana sare za michezo, ambazo huvaliwa kwa ajili ya michezo/elimu ya viungo na wakati wa shughuli ambazo si rasmi.

14. Karo ni zipi ili mtoto wangu aweze kuingia Shule ya Kimataifa St. Constantine?

Karo hutofautiana kutegemeana na mwaka wa masomo, mwanafunzi wa bweni au wa kutwa na idadi ya watoto kutoka familia moja wanaohudhuria shuleni. Tazama KARO kwa taarifa za undani zaidi.

15. Je, kuna udhamini wowote ambao mtoto wangu anaweza kuomba?

St. Constantine kwa sasa hutoa udhamini kwa wanafunzi wachache wenye asili ya Kigiriki, ambao wazazi wao ni wanachama wa The Hellenic Foundation of Tanzania. Dhamini hizi hutolewa kupitia Hellenic Foundation of Tanzania kwa maamuzi yao wenyewe.

Kwa nyongeza, tunatoa dhamini zinazotegemea sifa kwa wanafunzi wenye ufaulu mzuri sana wa kitaaluma na ambao pia wameonesha utendaji kazi uliotukuka; na baadhi ya wanafunzi wamekuwa sehemu ya waliopokea udhamini wa Beacon. Udhamini pia hutolewa kwa ajili ya uongozi, Duara Mraba “Round Square”, Sanaa na Ubunifu na Michezo.

St. Constantine ipo mbioni kutengeneza dhamini zake za Trust, lakini hizi bado hazijaanza kutolewaSt  Tazama sehemu ya Udhamini kwa taarifa za ndani zaidi.

16. Je, mtoto wangu anaweza kuwa bweni St. Constantine?

Ndiyo. Kwa sasa shule inahudumia wanafunzi 650 kutoka mataifa 38 na kati ya hawa wanafunzi, 90 ni wanafunzi wa bweni.

17. Je, wanafunzi wa bweni wanaweza kuhudhuria Msikiti au Kanisa la chaguo lao?

Utaratibu binafsi unaweza kufanywa kwa wanafunzi kuhudhuria shughuli za dini za chaguo lao wakiambatana na walimu au walezi wa bweni. Pia kuna chumba cha sala kwa wasio na madhehebu katika kampasi kuu, kwa ajili ya matumizi ya wanafuzi wote, bila kujali imani na kinaweza kutumiwa na wanafunzi wa kiislamu kwa salah.

18. Gharama za bweni ni kiasi gani?

GHARAMA ZA BWENI zinaanzia Dola 3,515 hadi Dola 11,030 kwa mwaka kutegemeana na umri wa mtoto na mwaka wa masomo. Pia kuna malipo ya mara moja ya maombi na gharama ya usajili..

Tazama Gharama kwa taarifa za ndani zaidi.

19. Mtoto wangu ana mahitaji ya mlo maalumu. Je, utaratibu wa milo na bwalo umeandaliwaje?

Tunawapa wanafunzi wetu chakula chenye virutibisho kilichoandaliwa maalumu na mpishi wetu Bwana George Mavromoustakis ambaye hutoa chakula kwa mtindo wa bufee kwa kifungua kinywa, chakula cha mchana na chakula cha jioni ikijumuisha uchaguzi maalumu unaolingana na makundi yote ya kidini.

Vitafunio vya katikati ya asubuhi na jioni pia huandaliwa kwa ajili ya wanafunzi kama sehemu ya menyu yetu, tukiunganisha ladha za kiasili na kote duniani ili kukidhi mahitaji ya wanafunzi wetu mchanganyiko.

20. Je, kuna mipango gani ya usafiri ya kufika shuleni?

Wazazi wana uhuru wa kuchagua usafiri binafsi, au mabasi ya shule. Mbasi haya yanaendeshwa na kampuni binafsi na hufika sehemu zifuatazo: Njiro, Moshono, Sakina, Burka, Mjini, Kijenge, Sanawari na Uzunguni. Wakati wa kuandikishwa shuleni, wazazi hupewa taarifa toshelevu za makampuni hayo ili waweze kufanya mipango ya usafiri wao wenyewe pamoja na wamiliki.

21. Je, mtoto wangu anaweza kupata masomo ya ziada (mfano Muziki) nje mfumo rasmi darasani?

Ndiyo. Usanifu wa maendeleo ya wanafunzi wetu unafanyika nje ya darasa kwa kufuata ratiba maalumu iliyosheheneshwa. Wanafunzi wetu, wa umri wote na uwezo wowote hukuza viwango vyao vya usanifu, hutathmini uwezo wao na kugundua vipaji vyao kwa kujiunga na masomo yanayofurahisha yanayohusiana na usanii, baada ya shule ikijumuisha ratiba maalumu ya muziki. Masomo ni pamoja na Bodi ya Muungano wa Natharia ya Muziki wa Kifalme (Muziki Maalumu) (ABRSM), kinanda, marimba, filimbi, na ngoma. Pia kuna ratiba ya michezo kadhaa inayofundishwa ikiwa ni pamoja na kuogelea, na TaeKwonDo.  

22. Mtoto wangu analindwaje shuleni?

Tuna kampuni ya kitaalamu ya usalama – INSIGHT – ambayo walinzi wake huzungukia mazingira muda wote na hufuatilia wageni ndani ya shule. Shule pia kimkakati imeweka kamera, viashiria vya moshi na moto. Kila muhula wanafunzi wote hushiriki zoezi la moto kujiandaa kwa tukio lolote, kwa hiyo wanajua ni nini cha kufanya. 

KITUO CHETU CHA MATIBABU kina muuguzi wa muda wote, ambaye hupatikana kwa matukio yoyote yanayohitaji huduma zote za kwanza ndani ya kampasi. Muuguzi anapatikana kwa wanafunzi ambao hawajihisi vizuri na atatoa mapendekezo endapo mwanafunzi atahitaji kupata matibabu zaidi kutoka kwa daktari wa shule, ambaye yupo tayari muda wote, endapo itahitajika kufanyika hivyo. Kwa nyongeza, kwa wanafunzi wetu wa kutwa, muuguzi wetu atawasiliana na muuguzi/daktari binafsi wa mwanafunzi kama italazimika. 

Shule yetu ina walinzi waokoaji waliohitimu vizuri kwahiyo wanafunzi wanaweza kuogelea chini ya uangalizi wao. Eneo la bwawa la kuogelea linakuwa limefungwa wakati wote ambao walinzi waokoaji hawapo..

Tuna sera/taratibu kadhaa za kuwalinda wanafunzi wote – Tazama sehemu ya Sera/Taratibu

  • Sera ya Magonjwa Ambukizi
  • Sera ya ulinzi wa Data
  • Sera ya Safari
  • Simu kwenye Safari za Kishule
  • Sera ya Kazi za Nyumbani
  • Sera ya Ulinzi wa Mtoto
  • Sera ya kutofika shule na ya Kuchelewa shuleni
  • Sera ya Simu
23. Mtoto wangu hulindwa vipi anapotumia Mtandao?

Tazama Sera Zinazokubaliwa kwa Wanafunzi wanaotumia Teknlojia ya Habari na Mawasiliano

24. Tutakuwa tunahama kutoka nchi nyingine, Je, kuna utaratibu gani maalumu mlio nao wa kujiandikisha? 

Kwa kuwa kila nchi mfumo tofauti wa elimu, na Tanzania ina mahitaji tofauti ya visa kulingana nan chi husika, kila mwanafunzi wa kimataifa anasaidiwa kibinafsi baada ya kupokelewa. Mahitaji yako yatajadiliwa wakati wa usaili, lakini hadi leo hatujawahi kuwa na mwanafunzi aliyekataliwa baada ya kukidhi vigezo vya kitaaluma vinavyotakiwa.

 25. Kama mzazi naweza kujihusisha vipi na shule?

Kuna njia ambazo mzazi anaweza kujihusisha na shule kama vile:

  • Kujiunga na Chama Cha Wazazi
  • Kukagua kwenye jaladala mzazi mara kwa mara ili kuona kazi za mwanafunzi za darasani na usaidizi katika kusoma
  • Kuhudhuria siku za mashauriano ya mzazi na mzazi
  • Kusaidia ukocha kwa timu za michezo
  • Kujitolea kusaidia katika matukio
  • Kusaidia michezo ya kishule na usanii mfano Michezo ya Kuigiza ya Shule
  • Kusaidia kwenye uchangishaji/ukusanyaji wa pesa
  • Kujitolea uongozi katika Round Square na safari nyingine za kishule na mengine mengi
26. Je, naombaje kufanya kazi Shule ya Kimataifa ya St. Constantine?

Tuma barua ya utambulisho, pamoja na wasifu wako kwa Meneja Raslimali Watu: hr@scis.sc.tz

Kama nafasi ikitangazwa kama nafasi wazi kwa wakati huo, fuata maelekezo kwenye tangazo husika.

27. Duara Mraba “Round Square” ni nini?

Duara Mraba “Round Square” ni muungano ulioanzishwa na Mfalme Constantine mwaka 1966, kimsingi ukijikita kwenye nadharia za mwanafilosofia wa elimu wa Kijerumani, Kurt Hahn. Umepewa jina baada ya eneo la mraba ambao ni mduara uliopo katika shule ya huko Scotland, mahali ambapo kongamano la kwanza lilifanyika mwaka 1967.

Sasa hivi kuna shule 140 za Duara Mraba “Round Square” katika nchi 40 kwenye mabara matano. Uanachama unatafutwa kwa juhudi kubwa na St. Constantine ilijivunia kuwa shule ya kwanza ya Duara Mraba Tanzania Aprili Mwaka 2014. Hivyo basi, tulijiunga na shule zenye maendeleo makubwa kiuvumbuzi duniani. St. Constantine ilipata hadhi ya uanachama wa kidunia Machi, 2016.

Sisi, sawa na shule nyingine za Duara Mraba “Round Square” tunaamini kuwa ili kujiandaa kwa maisha ya utu uzima, vijana wanatakiwa kuhimizwa kugundua na kukumbatia kushabihiana na kutofautiana kati ya tamaduni na mataifa katika namna inayokuza uelewano wenye maana na wa kudumu, uvumilivu na heshima.

Shule za Duara Mraba “Round Square” zimejijenga juu ya maeneo sita: Umataifa, Demokrasia, Mazingira, uvumbuzi/a kuvumbua, Uongozi, na Huduma.

Duara Mraba “Round Square” huwapatia wanafunzi wetu uzoefu wa kielimu ulioshiba kupitia nafasi mbalimbali za safari za uvumbuzi, safari za kishule katika sehemu mbalimbali, kushiriki kwenye programu zakubadilishana wanafunzi na makongamano ya Duara Mraba “Round Square” ulimwenguni kote.

28. Ninawezaje kusoma zaidi kuhusu Shule ya Kimataifa ya St. Constantine?

Mawasiliano: Ms Sarry Julius kwa barua pepe info@scis.sc.tz au Simu +255 753 871 855 / +255 686 374 891 kuulizia Kitabu cha Muhtsari

29. Nawezaje kuacha ujumbe kwa shule?

Wasiliana nasi kupitia UKURASA wetu kwa taarifa zaidi.

FAQ: Frequently asked questions  – English

1) Where is St. Constantine International School campus located?

St. Constantine’s International School is situated on Dodoma Road (Burka Area), Arusha, Tanzania, between the Cultural Heritage Centre and Arusha Airport – on the doorstep of Arusha National Park, at the foot of Mount Meru, and within striking distance of Mt Kilimanjaro. Our location, next to Arusha airport and less than an hour from Kilimanjaro International Airport, makes travel to and from the boarding house easy.

The Town Campus is in the centre of Arusha between Barclays Bank and Spanish Tiles on Serengeti Road.

2) What are the main aims of your school and how would you describe it?

We are a happy, unique, high-achieving, British education experience – with a Tanzanian heart- where we create future leaders. Vitally, our happy school is built on the notion that pupils develop a strong self-concept, because they are challenged appropriately every day through the highest quality teaching and learning.

3. What age can children start at St. Constantine International School?

Our Main Campus on Dodoma Road caters for children of all school ages starting in Nursery (age 3 – 4)

Our Town Campus has four classes ranging from Nursery (age 3 – 4) to Year 2 (6 – 7). Families living close to town are now able to take advantage of the amazing education at St. Constantine without having their little ones travel across town.

4. Does St. Constantine International School go through to Secondary?

Our Main Campus caters for children of all school ages starting in Nursery right through to Year 13 (age 18).

5. What education do children get – international or Tanzanian?

St. Constantine is a co-educational, British-style, international school. Students are taught in small manageable classes where they receive recognition as individual learners and are encouraged to explore the world around them. Our Secondary students are offered a range of subjects to choose from that lead to the internationally recognised qualifications of IGCSE and A Level.

6. How are the classes structured?

Each student belongs to one of four houses: Athens, Delphi, Olympia or Sparta, creating personal classes smaller than that of most UK schools. Classes are recognised by their house e.g. S3 would be Sparta Year 3. In the Secondary School, one member of staff – the Assistant Head Teacher – is in charge, assisted by a team of Tutors which he/she manages. 

Students in Year 7 – 9 follow set departmental guidelines, based on the internationally renowned Cambridge Curriculum.

From Year 10 to 13 learning is based on IGCSE and the Cambridge International A Level curriculum to ensure that there is continuity and cohesion from the Primary School to the Secondary School.

The main aim of the curriculum at St. Constantine International is to raise standards, making sure all children have a broad and balanced education up to the age of 16 and then greater specialism for A levels, preparing for a University course.

In addition to the formal academic curriculum, PSHE is taught throughout the School in age-appropriate ways and topics. An extensive after-school co-curricular programme supplements academic life. Students are given the opportunity to participate in sports, music, art, and drama to further explore their physical, intellectual and creative potential, in addition to MUN (Model United Nations), World Scholars Cup debating, robotics club and much more.

7. How is my child supported in his/her studies?

A team of pastoral staff aim to help each student to not only reach their academic and co-curricular potential, but to also develop into a happy young individual with good self-esteem and a real belief in their role in society.

Tutors monitor each individual’s progress on an on-going basis throughout the academic year, which becomes even more important in the examination years, Year 10 – 13. Students remain with their Tutor Group as they progress through the school. Anyone with a problem of any kind can discuss it with their Tutor as first point of contact, supported by the Assistant Head Teacher and then the Head of School.

The well-being of all students, whether day or boarding, is of paramount importance to us. For our boarding students, our team of caring Matrons and Residential Boarding Assistants means they can be assured of being well looked after and always having someone to talk to if they need to. Our School Counsellor and School Nurse are also available for all students to speak to, and we have access to specialist counsellors if needed.

St. Constantine’s International has qualified and skilled Special Educational Needs teachers, including two Senior Educational Needs Coordinators with a team of assistants.

8. Who is the Head of School and where does he come from?

Headteacher, Yasir Patel, born in Blackburn, England.  Studied Mathematics in Manchester and a Masters in Educational Leadership in Leicester.  Worked in England, Spain Mexico DF, Mumbai, Caracas and Auckland.  Enjoy Sports, Politics and Music.

Deputy Headteacher is Michael Murray from Newcastle upon Tyne in England, who taught at Savannah Plains International School, Shinyanga, Tanzania before joining St. Constantine. He has also taught in UK, Portugal and Kenya.

Head of Secondary is Ms. Navdeep Mand

Head of Primary is Jamel Badaoui, he is a primary education leader from Durham, England, with over 13 years of international experience. He has taught and held a range of middle and senior leadership roles across the UK, Singapore, Malaysia and Tanzania.

9. Who founded the School?

St. Constantine’s International School was founded in 1952 by the Greek immigrant community that originally settled in East Africa in the 1920s and 1930s.  By the mid-1960s, St. Constantine’s International had evolved into an English-medium school and, in 1998, adopted the Cambridge International Curriculum. The school is owned by the Hellenic Foundation of Tanzania and is the second oldest international school in Tanzania and the largest international school in northern Tanzania.

10. What facilities are available?

Our Main Campus includes: 56 instructional classrooms including five Science laboratories, a multipurpose Gym, Assembly Hall, a Dining Room with seating capacity for 600 students, a Boarders’ Dining Room for 100 students, a Boarders’ Common Room with plasma screen TV and pool table, two computer labs. We also have excellent resources to support students in their activities away from the classroom and we boast the finest maintained and most beautiful sporting grounds including football fields, cricket and rugby pitch, basketball, volleyball, netball and tennis courts, a 25-metre swimming pool and a 10m training pool.

11.  Is St. Constantine International a religious school?

St.  Constantine’s International accepts students regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, nationality, religion, family composition or socio-economic status. Deeply proud of our student diversity, we welcome students from all corners of the globe. While the school has had a historic connection with the Greek Orthodox church, it has no religious affiliation. The school’s original classrooms were next to the town’s only Greek Orthodox Church. Though our school is secular and non-denominational, the church itself still exists as part of our 35-acre campus with services on a Sunday morning for the local community.

12. How do I enrol my child?

Download our Application Form HERE
Download our Conditions of Entry HERE
Download the 2023-2024 School Calendar HERE
Download the 2023-2024 School fees HERE

Admissions to St.  Constantine’s International involves a three-step process, designed to ensure that the applicant is a good match for the school and has a reasonable chance of academic success, given the high intellectual standards and academic expectations of an international school.

Step 1 – Completion and submission of our school application form, your previous academic records / most recent school report (including standardised examination records when these are available), copy of child’s birth certificate, copy of child’s passport (if applicable), two recent passport-sized photos.

Step 2 – Assessment.

The testing varies according to age and may include written assessments, computer-based assessments or face-to-face interviews with teachers. An admissions fee of USD 25 is required prior to, or on the day of, the assessment.

Step 3 – Final Interview with the Head of Secondary / Head of Primary / Head of Town Campus.

Following the completion of the above a student may be:

  • Admitted 
  • Conditionally Accepted 
  • Wait-listed                   
  • Not Admitted

See Admissions for detailed information.

13. Does St. Constantine’s International School have a uniform?

Yes.  Primary students and Secondary students have different uniforms to differentiate between levels and wear a comfortable uniform suitable to their age group. Both levels also have a sports uniform, which is worn for PE classes and informal activities.

14. What are the fees for my child to attend St. Constantine’s International School?

Fees range depending on the year of study, boarding or day pupil, and the number of students from one family attending. See Fees for detailed information.

15. Are there any scholarships my child can apply for?

St. Constantine’s International currently offers limited scholarships to students of Greek descent whose parents are members of The Hellenic Foundation of Tanzania. These scholarships are offered through the Hellenic Foundation, entirely at their discretion.

Additionally, we offer merit-based scholarships to students of exceptional academic potential who also demonstrate an outstanding work ethic; and some of our students have also been the recipient of Beacon Scholarships. Scholarships are also given for Leadership, Round Square, Creative Arts and Sport.

St. Constantine’s International is in the process of developing its own Trust Scholarships, but these are not available as yet.

16. Can my child board at the school?

Yes. The School currently serves 580 students of 38 nationalities and, of these, 75 are boarding students.

17. Can Boarders attend the Mosque or Church of their choice?

Private arrangements can be made for students to attend their religious obligations, accompanied by teachers, or school parents. There is also a non-denominational prayer room on the Main Campus for the use of all students, irrespective of faith and can be used by Muslim students for Salah.

18. What are the fees for boarding?

BOARDING FEES range from US$ 3,515 to US$ 11,030 per year depending on the student’s age and year level. There is also a one-off Application fee and Registration fee.

19. My child has special dietary requirements, how are meals and dining organised?

We offer our students nutritious, freshly prepared food by our chef, Mr George Mavromoustakis who serves buffet style breakfast, lunch and evening supper including a selection suitable for all religious proscription.

Mid-morning and evening snacks are also prepared for students as part of our menu, blending traditional with worldwide flavours to cater for our diverse student base.

Our menus are reviewed regularly to ensure they are kept to the highest standard possible. Catering staff regularly work with the Student Council to promote the education and health of our young people by continuing to improve the quality and variety of food supplied and consumed in our school.

20. What transport arrangements are there to get to school?

Parents have the choice of private transport, or St. Constantine’s International school buses. These are run by two private companies and cover the following areas: Njiro, Moshono, Sakina, Burka, Town, Kijenge, Sanawari, and Uzunguni. On enrolment, parents are given the details of the companies so they can make their own arrangements directly with them.

21. Can my child have extra-curricular lessons (like music) outside of class?

Yes.  The artistic development of our students is supported beyond the classroom by a comprehensive co-curricular programme. Our students, of all ages and abilities, broaden their artistic horizon, explore their potential and discover their talents by joining exciting art-related, after-school electives including a peripatetic music programme. Lessons include the Associated Board of Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM) Music Theory, Piano, Violin, Flute and Drums. There is also a range of sports coaching programmes including football, swimming and TaeKwonDo.

22. How is my child protected at school?

We have a professional Security Company – INSIGHT – whose guards patrol the grounds at all times and regulate visitors to the school. The school also has strategically placed security cameras, fire and smoke alarms. Each term, all students undergo drills to cover every eventuality, so they know what to do.

Our Medical Centre is staffed by a full-time nurse who is available to attend to all first aid incidences on campus. The nurse is available to those students who are not feeling well and will recommend if the student should receive more detailed care from our School Doctor, who is on call, should the need arise. In addition, for our day students, our nurse will liaise with the student’s own GP should this be necessary.

Our school is staffed by two qualified Lifeguards and students may swim when they are present. The pool area is locked at all times when the lifeguards are not present.

We have a range of key policies to protect all students.

See our Protection Policies section.

23. How is my child protected when using the internet?

See ICT Acceptable Usage Policy for Pupils

24. What is our Policy on Bullying and Child Protections?

Our Safeguarding policy can be read HERE and our Anti Bullying policy can be read HERE

25. We will be transferring from another country, what special requirements do you have for enrolment? 

As each country has different education systems, and Tanzania has differing visa requirements depending on country of origin, each international student is assisted personally after acceptance. Your requirements will be discussed at the interview, but to date we have not had any students rejected once they meet all the school’s academic prerequisites.

26. As a parent, how can I be involved with the school?

There are many ways parents can be involved with the school, such as:

  • joining the Parent Teacher Association
  • checking your Parent portal regularly for parent-child classroom activities and reading assistance
  • attending Parent-Teacher consultation days
  • providing coaching for sports teams
  • volunteering to help at events
  • supporting school sports and arts e.g. School Plays
  • helping with fundraising
  • volunteering as a chaperone for Round Square and other educational trips outside of school …… and lots more!
27. How do I apply to work at St. Constantine’s International School?

Send a letter of introduction, along with your CV, to Human Resources: hr@scis.sc.tz

If a position is advertised as a current vacancy, follow the instructions in the advertisement.

28. What is Round Square?

The Round Square organisation was founded by His Majesty King Constantine in 1966, based principally on the theories of the German educational philosopher, Kurt Hahn. It is named after the square that is actually round at Gordonstoun School, in Scotland, where the first conference took place in 1967.

There are now 140 Round Square schools in 40 countries on five continents. Membership is highly sought after and St.  Constantine’s International was proud to the first Round Square school in Tanzania in April 2014. As such, we joined some of the most innovative and successful schools in the world. St.  Constantine’s International gained Global Member status in March 2016.

We, like other Round Square schools, believe that in order to prepare for adult life, young people must be encouraged to discover and embrace the similarities and differences between cultures and nationalities in ways that promote meaningful and lasting understanding, tolerance and respect.

Round Square schools are based on six key areas: Internationalism, Democracy, Environmentalism, Adventure, Leadership and Service.

Round Square offers our students a rich educational experience through opportunities for adventure, school trips to a range of places, participating in exchange programmes and Round Square conferences around the globe.

29. How can I learn more about St. Constantine’s International School?

Contact: Ms Sarry Julius by email at info@scis.sc.tz or Phone +255 753 871 855 / +255 686 374 891 to ask for a Prospectus

30. How can I leave a message for the school?

See Contact Us for detailed information.

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